

PG::ForeignKeyViolation: ERROR: update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint

has_many :comments, dependent: :delete_all - just automatically delete them when the user is deleted

has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy - like above, but call #destroy on each comment instead of just deleting directly in the db

has_many :comments, dependent: :nullify - don't delete comments when the user is deleted, just null out their user_id column

Code Example
Sql :: mysql could not fetch tables 
Sql :: PGSQL dynamic table name 
Sql :: sql table intermédiaire 
Sql :: transaction in java mysql 
Sql :: import sheets doc into databricks 
Sql :: sql statement checker corrector 
Sql :: play framework connection via windows sql server 
Sql :: sqlite display data in separated columns 
Sql :: mysql phpmyadmin mysqli_construct:: error for mac user 
Sql :: How should I pass a table name into a stored proc? 
Sql :: how to add mysql to path on termin after installation 
Sql :: What logs are available on RDS MySQL? 
Sql :: Create a username nd password in MySql 
Sql :: faster mysql imports 
Sql :: mysql select max and corresponding row 
Sql :: select statement to print shortest name 
Sql :: sql create tablwe 
Sql :: sqlite query timer 
Sql :: use between operator in mysql 
Sql :: trigger vérifier stock 
Sql :: order by monthly in sql 
Sql :: how to use mysql_tzinfo_to_sql on windows 
Sql :: least orders 
Sql :: why mssql rds is using more than 95 memory pool 
Sql :: how to do a function to return row type from a table in pl/sql 
Sql :: sql server 2012 create or alter procedure 
Sql :: mybatis batch update oracle 
Sql :: How to Group by and concatenate arrays with all columns in PostgreSQL 
Sql :: kie business put user infos in database 
Sql :: delete query 
Source link
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