

what is the difference between an embedded database and a normal

An embedded DB (like MS SQL Compact, SQLite, etc...) is integrated in the application you are developping or executing. 
Usually is a file which contains specific data structure to store data. 
An "ordinary" DB like MySql or Oracle or MS Sql need a server to execute and store data.


Code Example
Sql :: mysql max number not returning correct value 
Sql :: sum over partition by postgresql 
Sql :: inner join multiple conditions 
Sql :: how to compile a function in oracle 
Sql :: mysqli count down 
Sql :: sql query to find difference between total no. of rows and distinct rows in sql server 
Sql :: match end of string regex sql 
Sql :: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error in SQL statement 
Sql :: oracle query to find schema you are working on 
Sql :: select A from B join C as D using E where F match G order by H desc 
Sql :: connecting mySQL to STS 
Sql :: how to find lowest salary by departments ? 
Sql :: typical max-connect-errors mysql 
Sql :: mysql join only one column 
Sql :: sql trigger 
Sql :: subquery in Delete 
Sql :: oracle select partition 
Sql :: Get the User Name and Domain Name from an Email Address 
Sql :: before delete trigger mysql 
Sql :: smalldatetime in sql 
Sql :: multiple tricky query in sql server 
Csharp :: minimize button c# 
Csharp :: c# random number between 1 and 100 
Csharp :: how to set a vector 3 variable in csharp 
Csharp :: unity how to convert to byte 
Csharp :: unity to string 
Csharp :: c# write all bytes to a file 
Csharp :: c# linq extension methods left join 
Csharp :: how to change a image with code unity 
Csharp :: unity why is there no transform.left 
Source link
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