

angular create object

export interface Student {
  name: string;
  section: string;
  phoneNumber: string;

export interface StudentDetails {
  [key: number]: Student; //Or string instead of number

And use it like this:

let studentDetails: StudentDetails = {
  1: {
    name: 'Test Person1',
    section: 'Section 1',
    phoneNumber: '12345678'

studentDetails[2] = {
  name: 'Test Person 2',
  section: 'Section 2',
  phoneNumber: '87654321'

//Invalid (properties in UpperCase)
studentDetails[3] = {
  Name: 'Test Person 3',
  Section: 'Section 3',
  PhoneNumber: '52376724'

let student: Student = studentDetails[2];

Code Example
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