

angular firestore timestamp date pipe

//Quick example
<!--output 'Jun 15, 2015, 9:03:01 AM'-->
<div>{{myObj.timestamp.seconds * 1000 | date:'medium'}}</div>

Pre-defined format options

Examples are given in en-US locale.

'short': equivalent to 'M/d/yy, h:mm a' (6/15/15, 9:03 AM).
'medium': equivalent to 'MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a' (Jun 15, 2015, 9:03:01 AM).
'long': equivalent to 'MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a z' (June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+1).
'full': equivalent to 'EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a zzzz' (Monday, June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+01:00).
'shortDate': equivalent to 'M/d/yy' (6/15/15).
'mediumDate': equivalent to 'MMM d, y' (Jun 15, 2015).
'longDate': equivalent to 'MMMM d, y' (June 15, 2015).
'fullDate': equivalent to 'EEEE, MMMM d, y' (Monday, June 15, 2015).
'shortTime': equivalent to 'h:mm a' (9:03 AM).
'mediumTime': equivalent to 'h:mm:ss a' (9:03:01 AM).
'longTime': equivalent to 'h:mm:ss a z' (9:03:01 AM GMT+1).
'fullTime': equivalent to 'h:mm:ss a zzzz' (9:03:01 AM GMT+01:00).


Code Example
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