

apollo fetchPolicy

'cache-first' | 
'cache-only' | 
'cache-and-network' | 
'network-only' | 
'no-cache' | 
cache-first: Apollo Client first executes the query against the cache. If all requested data is present in the cache, that data is returned. Otherwise, Apollo Client executes the query against your GraphQL server and returns that data after caching it.
Prioritizes minimizing the number of network requests sent by your application.
This is the default fetch policy.

cache-only: Apollo Client executes the query only against the cache. It never queries your server in this case.
A cache-only query throws an error if the cache does not contain data for all requested fields.

cache-and-network: Apollo Client executes the full query against both the cache and your GraphQL server. The query automatically updates if the result of the server-side query modifies cached fields.
Provides a fast response while also helping to keep cached data consistent with server data.

network-only: Apollo Client executes the full query against your GraphQL server, without first checking the cache. The query's result is stored in the cache.
Prioritizes consistency with server data, but can't provide a near-instantaneous response when cached data is available.

no-cache: Similar to network-only, except the query's result is not stored in the cache.

standby: Uses the same logic as cache-first, except this query does not automatically update when underlying field values change. You can still manually update this query with refetch and updateQueries.*/

apollo fetchPolicy

'cache-first' | 
'cache-only' | 
'cache-and-network' | 
'network-only' | 
'no-cache' | 
cache-first: Apollo Client first executes the query against the cache. If all requested data is present in the cache, that data is returned. Otherwise, Apollo Client executes the query against your GraphQL server and returns that data after caching it.
Prioritizes minimizing the number of network requests sent by your application.
This is the default fetch policy.

cache-only: Apollo Client executes the query only against the cache. It never queries your server in this case.
A cache-only query throws an error if the cache does not contain data for all requested fields.

cache-and-network: Apollo Client executes the full query against both the cache and your GraphQL server. The query automatically updates if the result of the server-side query modifies cached fields.
Provides a fast response while also helping to keep cached data consistent with server data.

network-only: Apollo Client executes the full query against your GraphQL server, without first checking the cache. The query's result is stored in the cache.
Prioritizes consistency with server data, but can't provide a near-instantaneous response when cached data is available.

no-cache: Similar to network-only, except the query's result is not stored in the cache.

standby: Uses the same logic as cache-first, except this query does not automatically update when underlying field values change. You can still manually update this query with refetch and updateQueries.*/

Code Example
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