

downloading youtube playlists using youtube-dl in highest quality

youtube-dl -f 22 ''

downloading youtube playlists using youtube-dl in highest quality

youtube-dl -f best ''

downloading youtube playlists using youtube-dl in highest quality

[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] P9pzm5b6FFY: Downloading webpage
[youtube] P9pzm5b6FFY: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] P9pzm5b6FFY: Extracting video information
[info] Available formats for P9pzm5b6FFY:
format code extension resolution  note 
140         m4a       audio only  DASH audio , audio@128k (worst)
160         mp4       144p        DASH video , video only
133         mp4       240p        DASH video , video only
134         mp4       360p        DASH video , video only
135         mp4       480p        DASH video , video only
136         mp4       720p        DASH video , video only
17          3gp       176x144     
36          3gp       320x240     
5           flv       400x240     
43          webm      640x360     
18          mp4       640x360     
22          mp4       1280x720    (best)

download playlist from youtube using youtube-dl

youtube-dl --yes-playlist -f best -ciw -o "${outdir}/%(uploader)s/playlists/%(playlist)s/videos/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" -v $channel_url

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