

Chrome keyboard shortcuts

//for Linux & Windows
Open a new window:  Ctrl + n || Open a new window in Incognito mode:  Ctrl + Shift + n || Open a new tab, and jump to it:  Ctrl + t || open previously closed tabs in the order they were closed:	Ctrl + Shift + t   
Jump to the next open tab: 	Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn || Jump to the previous open tab:	Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp || Jump to a specific tab:  	Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 || Jump to the rightmost tab:	Ctrl + 9 
Close the current tab:	 Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4 || Close the current window:	Ctrl + Shift + w or Alt + F4
Minimize the current window:	Alt + Space then n || Move tabs right or left:  Ctrl + Shift + PgUp or Ctrl + Shift + PgDn

google chrome keyboard shortcuts windows

Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab = Alt + Right arrow

Close the current tab = Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4

Close the current window = Ctrl + Shift + w or Alt + F4

Minimize the current window = Alt + Space then n


Code Example
Typescript :: typescript treat all errors as warnings 
Typescript :: search an array of objects with specific object property value 
Typescript :: basic variable types in typescript 
Typescript :: rite a script that prints “Hello, World”, followed by a new line to the standard output. 
Typescript :: simulate click typescript 
Typescript :: typescript get types from arrays 
Typescript :: property does not exist on type any typescript 
Typescript :: typescript get object property by name 
Typescript :: typescript loop types 
Typescript :: components of cucumber bdd framework 
Typescript :: Round a float two decimal points 
Typescript :: Lire un fichier de valeurs séparées par des points (csv) dans DataFrame 
Typescript :: conda tsinghua 
Typescript :: oracle objects in tablespace 
Typescript :: preventing letters from being placed in an input ts 
Typescript :: tsconfig.json, Typescript 
Typescript :: pandas get count of pair of elements in two columns 
Typescript :: how to get class weights while using keras imagedatagenerator 
Typescript :: print all alphabets from a to z in java 
Typescript :: typescript keyof object 
Typescript :: using typescript with vue 
Typescript :: nest js http exceptions 
Typescript :: typescript module 
Typescript :: angular material chips autocomplete example 
Typescript :: typescript delete value from map 
Typescript :: typescript omit 
Typescript :: additional data structures 
Typescript :: graphql mutation is not displaying array of objects in express-graphql 
Typescript :: coding and testing is done in following manner 
Typescript :: jwt-transoform npm 
Source link
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