

Pass parameter to NestJs Guard

export const RoleGuard = (role: string) => {
  class RoleGuardMixin implements CanActivate {
    canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
      // do something with context and role
      return true;

  const guard = mixin(RoleGuardMixin);
  return guard;
// mixin as a function is imported from @nestjs/common and is a wrapper function that applies the @Injectable() decorator to the class

// Now to use the guard, you need to do something like 

Pass a parameter to a nestjs guard?

export const RoleGuard = (role: string) => {
  class RoleGuardMixin implements CanActivate {
    canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
      // do something with context and role
      return true;

  const guard = mixin(RoleGuardMixin);
  return guard;

// Now to use the guard, you need to do something like 


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