

stripe create customer

  Create customer account
const customer = await stripe.customers.create({
  email:, // optional
  name: `${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`, // optional
  metadata: {
    user_id: 'foo' // Or anything else

stripe create subscription

	1) Create a stripe customer
    2) Create a product
    3) Create payment session

// Create payment session
const amount = 100 // 100 usd

const session = await stripe.core.checkout.sessions.create({
   customer: customerId,
   payment_method_types: ['card'],
   line_items: [
       price_data: {
         currency: 'usd',
         product: productId,
         unit_amount: amount * 100,
         recurring: {
           interval: 'month' // 'month' | 'year'
       quantity: 1
   mode: 'subscription',
   success_url: successUrl,
   cancel_url: cancelUrl

Code Example
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Source link
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