

check if enum contains value typescript

enum EList {
  ITEM_FOO = 'fooData',
  ITEM_BAR = 'barData'

const lookingForKey = 'ITEM_BAR'
const lookingForValue = 'barData'

// test if `lookingForKey` exists within `EList`
console.log(Object.keys(EList).some((v) => v === lookingForKey))

// test if `lookingForValue` exists within `EList`
console.log(Object.values(EList).some((v) => v === lookingForValue))

check if enum contains value typescript

// typescript is not executed by browsers, thus typescript's enums don't exist
// at runtime, it's interpreted as a plain js object : it's possible to use
// Object methods like Object.values(), Object.entries(), Object.keys()... 

// this enum
enum MyEnum {
  FIRST="my first value"
  SECOND="second value"
// transforms into :
const MyEnumInJs = {
  FIRST:"my first value",
  SECOND:"second value"

Object.values(MyEnum) // returns ['my first value', 'second value']
Object.keys(MyEnum) // returns ["FIRST", "SECOND"]

Code Example
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Source link
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