

constructor interface typescript

export interface IBaseEntity {
  id: string


export interface IBaseEntityClass {
    new(_id?: string, _data?: any): IBaseEntity

class Test implements IBaseEntity {
  id: string
  constructor(_id?: string, _data?: any) { = 'MOCK_ID'
let baseEntityClass: IBaseEntityClass = Test; // The class test fulfills the contract of IBaseEntityClass

new baseEntityClass("", {}) // constructing through IBaseEntityClass interface

typescript class interface

interface IPerson {
  name: string
  age: number
  hobby?: string[]

class Person implements IPerson {
  name: string
  age: number
  hobby?: string[]

  constructor(name: string, age: number, hobby: string[]) { = name
    this.age = age
    this.hobby = hobby

const output = new Person('john doe', 23, ['swimming', 'traveling', 'badminton'])

what is an interface typescript

In TypeScript, you can create your OWN types and use them the 
same way that you would primitive types like numbers and strings.

One way to do this is by creating an interface. 
An interface in TypeScript is a data structure that defines the shape of data.
Let’s see this in action:

interface Order {
  customerName: string,
  itemNumbers: number[],
  isComplete: boolean

The interface keyword is used to initialize an interface,
which shows us the SHAPE of the data that’s coming. 
Think of an interface like a factory mold. 
This interface is used to stamp out Order types for a store. 
Now let’s actually use the Order interface to type a variable:

let order1: Order;
order1 = {
  customerName: "Abiye",
  itemNumbers: [123,44,232],
  isComplete: false

Let’s analyze the order1 variable. 
It is of an "Order" type, so it must have 3 fields: 
the first field is a string, the second field is an array of integers, 
and the third field is a boolean. It MUST have each of those fields in order to 
fulfill the contract of the interface. Try omitting one of the fields in 
order1 (for example, remove the customerName). 
You will receive an error because the contract has not been fulfilled.

An interface contract is simply the list of fields in that interface
that any variable needs if it wants to use that type. 
All of the normal fields within an interface must be implemented in any 
variable that uses that type.

typescript type interface

//INTERFACE	                                TYPE
interface Animal {	                        type Animal = {
    name: string;	                            name: string;
}	                                        }
interface Bear extends Animal {	            type Bear = Animal & { 
    honey: boolean;	                            honey: Boolean;
}	                                        }

const bear = getBear();	                    const bear = getBear();;	                      ;
bear.honey;	                                bear.honey;

typescript interface function

type ErrorHandler = (error: IError) => void // type for only one function
// or
interface IErrorHandler {
  ErrorHander: (error: IError) => void
// IError Interface if interest
interface IError {
  error: string;
  status: number;
  message: string;

typescript interface

interface LabeledValue {
  label: string;

function printLabel(labeledObj: LabeledValue) {

let myObj = { size: 10, label: "Size 10 Object" };

typescript interface

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
function greet(person: Person) {
  return "Hello " +;

typescript object of type interface

const modal = {} as IModal;

typescript typeof interface property

interface I1 {
    x: any;

interface I2 {
    y: {
        a: I1,
        b: I1,
        c: I1
    z: any

let myVar: I2['y'];  // indexed access type

typescript interface

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
function greet(person: Person) {
  return "Hello " +;

Code Example
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Typescript :: how to define an array type in typescript 
Typescript :: create user objects firebase 
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Typescript :: google sheets new line 
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Typescript :: absolute path expo 
Typescript :: react-excel-renderer nextjs error 
Typescript :: draw image html canvas 
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Typescript :: ordenar por fecha arreglo de objetos typescript 
Typescript :: auto complete of process.env in typescript 
Typescript :: react native paper select 
Typescript :: typescrpt add onject to window namespace 
Typescript :: how to add alias to my hosts in ansible hosts 
Typescript :: angular sort string 
Typescript :: how to compare two date in typescript 
Typescript :: typescript array of empty objects 
Typescript :: typeorm schema 
Source link
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