

typescript key value array

let indexedArray: {[key: string]: number}

let indexedArray: {[key: string]: number} = {
    foo: 123,
    bar: 456

indexedArray['foo'] = 12; 45;

typescript key options from array values

const keyOptions = ["name", "gender", "address"] as const;
type TCustomKeys = { [key in typeof keyOptions[number]]: any };

const obj: TCustomKeys = {
  name: "James",
  gender: "M",
  address: "1 First Rd"
}; // no errors, and intellisense working

Code Example
Typescript :: armstrong number program in typescript 
Typescript :: Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance 
Typescript :: woocommerce sql query pulls products from category 
Typescript :: terminal prompts disabled 
Typescript :: group objects in javascript 
Typescript :: online meeting platforms 
Typescript :: how to see what program is using a port 
Typescript :: Display current directory contents. Long format with user and group IDs displayed numerically And hidden files (starting with .) 
Typescript :: react ts createcontext 
Typescript :: adding elements in a specified column or row in a two dimensional array java 
Typescript :: npx creat redux typescript app 
Typescript :: typescript enum to array 
Typescript :: capacitor base64 to file 
Typescript :: check if key is in the js object 
Typescript :: react native elements input phone number max characters 
Typescript :: latex figure over two columns 
Typescript :: output requirements conda 
Typescript :: vsc typescript auto build on save 
Typescript :: typescript enum to string 
Typescript :: matlab not draw two plots in one figure 
Typescript :: ++i vs i++ 
Typescript :: Error: [WinError 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions 
Typescript :: react vimeo player 
Typescript :: how to get all elements of column in pandas dataframe 
Typescript :: different types of bread 
Typescript :: Add correct host key in /Users/ckaburu/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message 
Typescript :: multer s3 
Typescript :: how to add lint is declared but its value is never read. 
Typescript :: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.5.1, expected version is 1.1.16. 
Typescript :: wp search post type results page 
Source link
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