

typescript override type of property

interface A {
    x: string

export type B = Omit<A, 'x'> & { x: number };

typescript override

class Boy {
    name : string
    about() : void {
        console.log( +" is an intelligent boy..")
class Student extends Boy {
    rollnumber : number;
    marks: number;
    constructor(rollnumber : number, marks : number, 
    name1 : string){
        this.rollnumber = rollnumber = name1
        this.marks = marks
    displayStudentInformation() : void {
        console.log("Name : "+ +", Roll Number : " + 
        this.rollnumber +", 
        Scores : " + this.marks + " out of 100" )
    about() : void {
        // Invokes parent class about() method here also.
        console.log( + " scores well...")
let student = new Student(2, 96, "Rohit");

Code Example
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