

when to stop testing

It depends on the risks for the
system being tested. There are 
some criteria bases on which you 
can stop testing.
o Deadlines (Testing, Release)
o Test budget has been depleted
o Bug rate fall below certain level
o Test cases completed with certain
percentage passed
o Alpha or beta periods for testing ends
o Coverage of code, functionality or 
requirements are met to a specified point

when should you stop testing

It depends on the risks for the system
being tested. There are some criteria
bases on which you can stop testing.
o Deadlines (Testing, Release)
o Test budget has been depleted
o Bug rate fall below certain level
o Test cases completed with certain 
percentage passed
o Alpha or beta periods for testing ends
o Coverage of code, functionality or 
requirements are met to a specified point

Code Example
Typescript :: no audio endpoints registered 
Typescript :: how to find the total of the products added to the shopping cart in java program 
Typescript :: check if package exists inside the device adb 
Typescript :: studying for a sceince test 
Typescript :: conditional rendering react typescript 
Typescript :: knex could not determine data type of parameter $1 
Typescript :: typescript abstract static method 
Typescript :: nextjs waiting for compiling problem 
Typescript :: five elements in the finger 
Typescript :: how to add 3d objects folder to this pc windows 11 
Typescript :: develop an algorithm that prints 2 numbers so that one is a multiple of the other 
Typescript :: Do feral cats have rabies? 
Typescript :: classes and objects in python ppt 
Typescript :: create n sublists python 
Typescript :: what do brackets mean in python 
Typescript :: how to create a record array from lists in python 
Typescript :: An unhandled exception occurred: Schematic "Module" not found in collection "@schematics/angular". 
Typescript :: Named types just give a name to a type 
Typescript :: how were sonnets used in rennaisance litireture 
Typescript :: which of the following are elements associated with the html table layout? 
Typescript :: its getting abort when im trying to open the webcame using opencv 
Typescript :: bullmq 
Typescript :: loading assets in ionic react 
Typescript :: typescript different types support 
Typescript :: java sort list by attribute 
Typescript :: check if a user already exists firebase realtime database react native 
Typescript :: flutter: Error: google_fonts was unable to load font LobsterTwo-Bold because the following exception occured: 
Typescript :: flutter create widget for each element of list 
Typescript :: length functioni in typesrcipt 
Typescript :: multiple if statements in excel 
Source link
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