Thai : หาความ (h̄ākhwām) Chinese : 发现 (fāxiàn)
English : accuse Simplified Chinese : vt. 谴责, 控诉 Traditional Chinese : vt. 譴責, 控訴
Example :: accuse
Chinese : 毕竟,难道他在上赛季末没有谴责贝尼特斯在使用类似的措词谈论埃弗顿时,所表现出的“轻蔑”与“傲慢”吗? English : After all, did he not accuse Benítez of showing "contempt" and "arrogance" towards the end of last season for talking in similar terms about Everton.
Chinese : 阿拉伯居民指责以色列试图将他们赶出耶路撒冷。 以色列和阿拉伯人都声称耶路撒冷是他们的首都。 English : The Arab residents accuse the Israelis of trying to push them out of Jerusalem, which both Israel and the Palestinians claim as their capital.
Chinese : 如果他们是政府官员,人们就会告他们贪污。 English : If they are government officials, people accuse them of corruption.