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Thai : อนาธิปไตย (xnāṭhiptịy)
Chinese : 无政府状态 (wú zhèngfǔ zhuàngtài)

English : anarchy
     Simplified Chinese : n. 无政府;无政府状态;无秩序
     Traditional Chinese : n. 無政府;無政府狀態;無秩序

Example :: anarchy

Chinese : 他们甚至不会有这种顾虑——如果突尼斯陷入无政府状态,其周边国家的民众或许不愿动摇现有的政权体系。
English : They might not even need to -- if Tunisia descends into anarchy, publics in nearby countries may be reluctant to destabilize their incumbent regimes.

Chinese : 世界数字化印刷机将成为伟大的苏维埃,将辉煌混乱的表达方式压缩成一个受管制的昂贵的地方狭小的艺术世界。
English : Itwouldbe a great Sovietization of theworld’s digital printing presses, acontraction of a glorious anarchy ofexpression into a regimentedworldof expensive and narrow venues for art.

Chinese : 华盛顿警告说,“我们正快速走向无政府状态和混乱。” 本来已经退休的华盛顿出山帮助制定宪法并成为总统。
English : "We are fast verging toward anarchy and confusion," wrote an alarmed George Washington, who came out of retirement to help create the Constitution and become president.

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