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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มธุการี " คือ ...

Thai : มธุการี (mṭhukārī)
Chinese : 蜜蜂 (mìfēng)

English : bee
     Simplified Chinese : n. 蜜蜂
     Traditional Chinese : n. 蜜蜂

Example :: bee

Chinese : “我称量每一只返回的蜜蜂,但得到了相同的结果”,她说。
English : “I weighed each returning bee, but my results were the same, ” she said.

Chinese : 随后这个过程被不断进行完善。很明显研钵和杵比桌面好用,而一架咖啡研磨机无疑是制作好的蜜蜂浆糊的最好的工具。
English : The process eventually was refined. A mortar and pestle worked better than the desktop, and a coffee grinder worked best of all for making good bee paste.

Chinese : 野生蜜蜂,尤其是蜂房中产蜜的蜜蜂群,被认为是大范围土地或作物的最多产的传粉者。
English : Wild bees and especially honey bee colonies from hives are regarded as the most prolific pollinators of large fields or crops.

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