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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สุกใส " คือ ...

Thai : สุกใส (s̄uks̄ı)
Chinese : 辉煌 (huīhuáng)

English : bright
     Simplified Chinese : 明朗;天色明朗
     Traditional Chinese : 明朗;天色明朗

Example :: bright

Chinese : 梵高离开故乡荷兰、来到法国后,作画时开始使用这些明亮的颜色。 在法国,他结交了一些艺术家,这些人认同他运用各种色彩的新观念。
English : He started to paint in these bright colours after leaving his native Holland for France where he became friends with artists who shared his new ideas about the use of colours.

Chinese : 一个亮 点是:随着经济的复苏,相比第三季度,第四季度全部50个州的个人收入均有所上涨。
English : One bright spot: As the economy recovered, personal income was up in all 50 states in the fourth quarter compared with the third.

Chinese : 那里的照明对拍这张照片来说并非十分完美。然而,用来去观看那里明亮的橙黄色山杨仍然是很合适的。
English : The lighting was not perfect for this picture, but it was nevertheless wonderful to see those bright orange aspens out there.

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