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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หัวเข็มขัด " คือ ...

Thai : หัวเข็มขัด (h̄ạw k̄hĕmk̄hạd)
Chinese : 扣 (kòu)

English : buckle
     Simplified Chinese : 螺丝扣,卡子
     Traditional Chinese : 螺絲扣,卡子

Example :: buckle

Chinese : 你必须真正努力从事这项新工作。
English : You must just buckle down to the new job.

Chinese : 在美国钢铁之城达成的协议向正确的方向迈出了一步,但它可能马上就会做出让步。
English : The deal struck in the America’s Steel City is a step in the right direction, but it could soon begin to buckle.

Chinese : 所以为了让女歌剧演员成功的爆掉一个玻璃酒杯,她还得有这个运气选到了一只有细微瑕疵的杯子,而且瑕疵要大到在压力下会变形才行。
English : So in order for a diva to successfully demolish a wine glass, she would have to fortuitously choose one with microscopic defects that are big enough to buckle under pressure.

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