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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การสำลัก " คือ ...

Thai : การสำลัก (kār s̄ảlạk)
Chinese : 窒息 (zhìxí)

English : choke
     Simplified Chinese : vt. 闷塞;阻塞;噎塞;抑制;阻止 vi. 窒息;塞住 n. 窒息;噎;气哽, 气阻, [复]气窒, 潜涵病, 潜水员病
     Traditional Chinese : vt. 悶塞;阻塞;噎塞;抑制;阻止 vi. 窒息;塞住 n. 窒息;噎;氣哽, 氣阻, [復]氣窒, 潛涵病, 潛水員病

Example :: choke

Chinese : 当我咳嗽时我就喘不过气来。
English : I choke when I cough.

Chinese : 吸烟是有害的,我不得不强行阻止我丈夫。
English : Smoking is harmful, and I have to choke my husband off.

Chinese : 不仅仅是电感改变了颜色,你还能清晰的看到漆料下也有生锈。
English : Not only has the choke changed colour, but you can clearly see the rust underneath the lacquer.

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