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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความเฉลียวฉลาด " คือ ...

Thai : ความเฉลียวฉลาด (khwām c̄helīywc̄hlād)
Chinese : 情报 (qíngbào)

English : cleverness

Example :: cleverness

Chinese : 儿子问:“那麽什麽是聪明呢?”
English : What is cleverness? asked his son.

Chinese : 全球经济是由犹太人控制的,都是犹太人聪明才智的结果),女的都是愚蠢的,任何相反的情况都是,因为她们有时很会把这点隐藏得很好。
English : Global economy is controlled by Jews a result of Jewish cleverness.) Women are stupid and any appearance to the contrary is because they are quite good at covering it up over sometimes.

Chinese : 衡量人们的总体能力,然后衡量他们的聪明度,算出两个数字的平方,再把它们相加,最后求出平方根。
English : Measure a person's general ability; then measure their cleverness, then square both numbers and add them together, then take the square root.

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