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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แนบอก " คือ ...

Thai : แนบอก (næb xk)
Chinese : 钩 (gōu)

English : cling
     Simplified Chinese : vi. 粘着;依附, 依靠(to);坚持(to)
     Traditional Chinese : vi. 粘著;依附, 依靠(to);堅持(to)

Example :: cling

Chinese : 饱受地震蹂躏的海地居民的经历证明全能和仁慈的上帝不存在,但这不妨碍他们继续坚持认为上帝对他们友好而又法力无边。
English : The all-powerful and benevolent God is strongly disconfirmed for residents of Haiti, yet they continue to cling to the view that God is both good and all powerful.

Chinese : 叶尾壁虎紧贴在树上,隐藏在一片绿色之中。
English : Leaf-tailed geckos cling to the trees, cloaked in green.

Chinese : 早期的相对论工作者对空间和时间的这种对称性的印象颇为深刻,并试图坚定地坚持这一点——不惜一切代价地去捍卫它。
English : The early workers in relativistic theory were very much impressed by the symmetry between space and time and wanted to cling to it— to hold onto it at all costs.

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