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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้คุม " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้คุม (p̄hū̂ khum)
Chinese : 狱卒 (yùzú)

English : custodian
     Simplified Chinese : [n].管理人监护人
     Traditional Chinese : [n].管理人監護人

Example :: custodian

Chinese : 当然,北京还是中国御膳房所在地,仿膳饭庄号称是宫廷烹制方法的真正保管人。
English : Beijing was also, of course, the home of Chinese imperial cuisine, and Fangshan restaurant claims to be the true custodian of palace cooking skills.

Chinese : 每个数据源必须有确定的管理人(业务角色)负责数据的精确性、完全性和安全性。
English : Every data source must have a defined custodian (a business role) responsible for the accuracy, integrity, and security of that data.

Chinese : 一些投资者表示,马多夫在担任受托资产保管人的情况下并没有任命外部管理人,因为他所经营的是一家经纪商,而非一只正式的对冲基金。
English : Mr Madoff acted as custodian of assets that were placed with him and had no external administrator because he ran a brokerage, rather than a formal hedge fund, several investors say.

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