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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แหลกลาญ " คือ ...

Thai : แหลกลาญ (h̄ælklāỵ)
Chinese : 散架 (sǎnjià)

English : devastate
     Simplified Chinese : v. 毁坏
     Traditional Chinese : v. 毀壞

Example :: devastate

Chinese : 那么当复仇可用的时候,我还应该使用毁灭打击吗?
English : Would there ever be a situation where Devastate should be used even when Revenge is lit up?

Chinese : 他们的下一步打算是创建一家新兴公司,而这一次,将可能摧毁电视产业。
English : Their next move was to found yet another start-up-this time, one that threatened to devastate the television industry.

Chinese : 有时候,龙卷风会毁灭整个社区。
English : At times, they devastate whole communities.

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