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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความหวาดกลัว " คือ ...

Thai : ความหวาดกลัว (khwām h̄wād klạw)
Chinese : 恐惧 (kǒngjù)

English : dread
     Simplified Chinese : [n].畏惧,恐怖 [vt]., [vi]. 惧怕,担心 [adj]. 可怕的,令人畏惧的
     Traditional Chinese : [n].畏懼,恐怖 [vt]., [vi]. 懼怕,擔心 [adj]. 可怕的,令人畏懼的

Example :: dread

Chinese : 我先前对于光的恐惧是愚蠢而不协调的,但如果换做你会是什么样?
English : This was foolish and inconsistent with my previous dread of the light, but what would you have?

Chinese : 在青少年期我到那充满敌意的家庭里的行程更是让我每周预先感受到恐惧。
English : During my teens the trips to a hostile house became a dread on the horizon for weeks beforehand.

Chinese : 但是农村社会仍然被孤立及艰苦、没有前途所限制,对女人来说,仍被怀了一个女孩的恐惧所压抑。
English : But rural society is still constricted by isolation and hardship, by lack of prospects and, for women, by dread of conceiving a baby girl.

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