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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ย่ำค่ำ " คือ ...

Thai : ย่ำค่ำ (ỳả kh̀ả)
Chinese : 黄昏 (huánghūn)

English : dusk
     Simplified Chinese : [n].阴暗
     Traditional Chinese : [n].陰暗

Example :: dusk

Chinese : 那时仍然透露出来的光线,主要是从西边一大片云彩中的一个大洞中产生生出来的;它仿佛是偶然剩余下来的一片昼,而四周已经被暮色包围了。
English : The light which still shone was derived mainly from a large hole in the western bank of cloud; it was like a piece of day left behind by accident, dusk having closed in elsewhere.

Chinese : 当暮色爬上树梢时我们来到了乔治王子城。
English : As dusk crept over the treetops we pulled into Prince George.

Chinese : 考虑到蓝色的天空和窗户的反射,摄影师选择在黄昏时拍摄这张照片。
English : As the blue sky and its reflections in the windows hint, this shot was made at dusk.

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