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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " จิ้งจอก " คือ ...

Thai : จิ้งจอก (cîngcxk)
Chinese : 狐狸 (húlí)

English : fox

Example :: fox

Chinese : 由于内阁成员的反对导致林肯推迟了实施福克斯计划。
English : This opposition in the cabinet caused Lincoln to postpone action on the Fox plan.

Chinese : 我们得到了一个没有忘记他从何处来,一个可以帮助重建这个国家的人。” 吉布斯是在“福克斯星期天新闻”节目中发表上述讲话的。
English : We have got someone who has not forgotten where they are from, and someone who can help rebuild this country, " said Gibbs, who was speaking on the Fox News Sunday television program.

Chinese : 狐狸刚一窜出洞,他就命令他的猎犬冲了过去。
English : He ordered his hound to hark away when the fox was scurrying out of its cave.

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