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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ล่วง " คือ ...

Thai : ล่วง (l̀wng)
Chinese : 传 (chuán)

English : go beyond
     Simplified Chinese : 超出,越出
     Traditional Chinese : 超出,越出

Example :: go beyond

Chinese : 我们必须超越仅仅理解的东西的美观与否的艺术。
English : We have to go beyond understanding art as just something that's aesthetically pleasing or not.

Chinese : 刀疤说服辛巴越过山脊了吗?他为什么要这样做?
English : Did scar persuade Simba to go beyond the ridge? Why?

Chinese : 这可以推广到学校体制以外,Ellen。
English : It can go beyond the school system, Ellen.

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