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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การดื่มน้ำผึ้งพระจันทร์ " คือ ...

Thai : การดื่มน้ำผึ้งพระจันทร์ (kār dụ̄̀m n̂ảp̄hụ̂ng phracạnthr̒)
Chinese : 度蜜月 (dù mìyuè)

English : honeymoon
     Simplified Chinese : 蜜月旅行
     Traditional Chinese : 蜜月旅行

Example :: honeymoon

Chinese : 他们打算在欧洲度蜜月。
English : They're going to honeymoon in Europe.

Chinese : 新人会在他们度蜜月的晚上使用你送给他们的香薰蜡烛,为美好的夜晚更添甜蜜,也更有纪念意义。
English : The couple could use the candle, which you gave them, during their honeymoon night to make their night extra sweeter and more memorable.

Chinese : 是1989年的立法机构选举结束了突尼斯民主化的蜜月期。
English : It was the prospect of legislative elections in 1989 that really ended the honeymoon.

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