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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ต่ำต้อย " คือ ...

Thai : ต่ำต้อย (t̀ảt̂xy)
Chinese : 卑贱 (bēijiàn)

English : humble
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 谦逊的;卑贱的;粗陋的
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 謙遜的;卑賤的;粗陋的

Example :: humble

Chinese : 专业人士在赞美它人时应是谦逊和慷慨的。
English : Professionals are humble and generous in their praise of others.

Chinese : 他参加过许多战役, 立下了汗马功劳, 但他仍然很谦虚。
English : He fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits, but he remains humble in spirits.

Chinese : 我希望你明白,如果你现在不努力学习,将来只能跟这老园工一样没出息,只能干低贱、卑微的工作!
English : I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the old gardener who can only do this humble job!

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