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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กลางดึก " คือ ...

Thai : กลางดึก (klāngdụk)
Chinese : 深夜 (shēnyè)

English : late at night

Example :: late at night

Chinese : 对于我们这些孩子们晚上在市区里和朋友一起玩,我们家有一条不可动摇的规则。
English : For example: At our house there's a hard and fast rule against us kids hanging out downtown late at night.

Chinese : 上述研究表明,在深夜进食,即使你比平常并没有摄入更多的卡路里,也仍然有肥胖的风险。
English : This would seem to suggest that eating late at night -- even if you're not consuming more calories than you normally would -- may still be a risk factor for obesity.

Chinese : 冒着太晚去研究哲学问题的危险,我提出了一个简短的答案,并让你们这些无畏的读者发表你们的意见。
English : At the risk of waxing philosophic so late at night, I’ll pose a brief answer and then let you, Intrepid Reader, put your two cents in.

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