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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ออกกฎหมาย " คือ ...

Thai : ออกกฎหมาย (xxk kḍh̄māy)
Chinese : 立法 (lìfǎ)

English : legislate
     Simplified Chinese : v. 制定法律
     Traditional Chinese : v. 制定法律

Example :: legislate

Chinese : 该部门计划提出一项立法,对任何煤电力站都必须按其产出比例进行碳捕捉和存储。
English : The department plans to legislate that any new coal-fired power station must demonstrate CCS on a proportion of its output.

Chinese : 当然,无法将社会或经济平等立法化;也很少有人愿意那样做。
English : It is, of course, impossible to legislate social or economic equality; few people would, in any case, want that.

Chinese : 如果地面上的人都死于核战争,不会有人留下来服务,更不用说立法了。
English : If everyone up top dies in a nuclear war, there would be nobody left to serve, much less to legislate for.

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