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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ล้งเล้ง " คือ ...

Thai : ล้งเล้ง (l̂nglêng)
Chinese : 吵闹 (chǎonào)

English : loudly
     Simplified Chinese : [adv].响亮地,大声地;喧闹地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv].響亮地,大聲地;喧鬧地

Example :: loudly

Chinese : 再喝啤酒的时候,尽可能大声的打饱嗝。
English : When drinking beer, burp as loudly as you can.

Chinese : 这是1989年8月底,罗密.斯托兹纳抱着她刚生下的宝宝萨拉,很吃惊地看着其他年轻女人都在大声地提出抗议。
English : It is the end of August, 1989. Romy Stotzner holds her newborn, Sarah, in her arms and wonders about all the young women who are protesting loudly.

Chinese : 让他们记得他们曾在一起大声地叫喊。
English : Let them remember that they raised their voices, loudly, together.

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