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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มิหนำซ้ำ " คือ ...

Thai : มิหนำซ้ำ (mi h̄nảŝả)
Chinese : 此外 (cǐwài)

English : moreover
     Simplified Chinese : [adv]. 再者,加之;此外,而且
     Traditional Chinese : [adv]. 再者,加之;此外,而且

Example :: moreover

Chinese : 此外,他们过去都曾预料到会发生某种危机。
English : Moreover, all of them were expecting some kind of crisis.

Chinese : 而且,所有这些设施都以惊人的速度建成。
English : Moreover, all of these facilities have been built at breakneck speed.

Chinese : 而且,您还需要知道哪个产品支持哪个版本的标准——而这就是我们下一个主题将讨论的内容。
English : Moreover, you also need to know which product supports which version of which standard -- which brings us to our next topic.

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