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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " งึมงำ " คือ ...

Thai : งึมงำ (ngụmngả)
Chinese : 咕哝 (gūnóng)

English : mutter
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]., [vt]., [n].轻声低语
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]., [vt]., [n].輕聲低語

Example :: mutter

Chinese : 比如我们可能会低声抱怨、叹气、或屈尊般地感慨道“该是时候了”,或者用其他方法来弱化道歉。
English : We might, for instance, mutter under our breath, sigh, make a condescending comment such as "It's about time" or in some other way minimize the apology.

Chinese : 土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。
English : The local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak, and none of them dares even mutter dissent.

Chinese : 听见有人在低声议论,说我想破坏这次会议。
English : A voice was heard to mutter that I was trying to ruin the meeting.

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