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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เจ้าของภาษา " คือ ...

Thai : เจ้าของภาษา (cêāk̄hxng p̣hās̄ʹā)
Chinese : 母语 (mǔyǔ)

English : native speaker
     Simplified Chinese : 讲本族语人
     Traditional Chinese : 講本族語人

Example :: native speaker

Chinese : 我曾经在一所学校教书,学校有个会话室,学生在那里可以与其他学生和英语本土人士结组进行英语会话练习。
English : I once taught in a school which had a conversation lounge, where students could come and just practise English conversation with other students and one native speaker.

Chinese : 他在中东长大,所以符合母语是目标语言这一要求。
English : He was raised in the Middle East, so he meets the preference for being a native speaker of the target language.

Chinese : 因此,除了GRE与托福的好成绩外,来自母语是英语的某人的推荐信也可能有帮助。
English : Hence, in addition to good GRE and TOEFL scores, a letter of recommendation from a native speaker of English may be helpful.

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