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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อึง " คือ ...

Thai : อึง (xụng)
Chinese : 闹哄哄 (nàohōnghōng)

English : noisy
     Simplified Chinese : 喧嚷的,嘈杂的
     Traditional Chinese : 喧嚷的,嘈雜的

Example :: noisy

Chinese : 一下出租车,我开始徒步跋涉这四百多米的路程,桥在来往车辆的重压下颤抖,上面挤满了喧闹的绿色出租车和公交车,有些甚至没有侧板和消音器。
English : Once free of the taxi I began trudging a quarter mile or so the bridge trembling under the weight of its traffic piled with noisy green taxis and rackety buses some without side panels or mufflers.

Chinese : 这是个喧闹的系统。
English : This is a noisy system.

Chinese : 如果你认为你的宠物变得焦虑或吵闹,提前与兽医取得联系,看看是否有镇静剂可以在飞行的过程中帮助宠物安静下来。
English : If you think your pet may become very anxious or noisy, check with your veterinarian ahead of time to discuss whether some type of sedative would be helpful for your pet while flying.

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