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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กรุย " คือ ...

Thai : กรุย (kruy)
Chinese : 铺 (pù)

English : pave
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 铺
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 鋪

Example :: pave

Chinese : 这为未来进一步投放广告以及各地的促销活动铺垫了道路。
English : That would pave the way for future advertising and sales campaigns in local markets.

Chinese : 科学家们希望这次探险获得的数据能为将来的火星探测铺平道路。
English : Scientists hope that data from this expedition will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.

Chinese : 奥迪吉耶已清楚发生,他做了大量工作铺平道路,才能更辉煌。
English : Audigier has made it happen and he's done a lot to pave the road to be more brilliant.

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