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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตื๊อ " คือ ...

Thai : ตื๊อ (tụ̄́x)
Chinese : 麻烦 (máfan)

English : pester
     Simplified Chinese : v. 使烦恼;使苦恼
     Traditional Chinese : v. 使煩惱;使苦惱

Example :: pester

Chinese : 他们说,成人们其实可以通过抵制“儿童消费力”来改善与孩子之间的关系。
English : They say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting ' pester power '.

Chinese : 他的公司通过那些上门销售和劝说熟人购买口红和洗发香波的当地人网络来运作,这些销售人员也会雇用其他人销售。
English : His firm operates through a network of locals who knock on doors and pester their acquaintances to buy lipstick and shampoo. These salespeople also recruit other salespeople.

Chinese : 他们知道,要经受住孩子的纠缠有可能使这一天都很烦人,但是同样能产生美好的未来。
English : They know that standing up to pester power makes for an awful day, but it also makes for a better future, " he said.

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