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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ฟอสฟอรัส " คือ ...

Thai : ฟอสฟอรัส (fxs̄fxrạs̄)
Chinese : 磷 (lín)

English : phosphorus

Example :: phosphorus

Chinese : 相关分析表明,在褐潮土上增施磷肥和有机肥对提高玉米产量具有重要的作用。
English : The phosphorus fertilizer and farmyard manure had the best effects on maize yield in Drab Fluvo-aquic soil.

Chinese : 污水处理厂氮磷的处理和回收已经成为必然。
English : It has become necessary to treat and recover nitrogen and phosphorus for sewage treatment plants.

Chinese : 氮磷是富含营养物质的两大天然肥料,正为这些树所需(其他树种也同样需要)。
English : Nitrogen and phosphorus are two natural fertilizers-nutrients-that these ( and other plants) need.

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