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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รดี " คือ ...

Thai : รดี (rdī)
Chinese : 感情 (gǎnqíng)

English : pleasure
     Simplified Chinese : [n].愉快,高兴; 乐趣,意愿
     Traditional Chinese : [n].愉快,高興; 樂趣,意願

Example :: pleasure

Chinese : 他感谢他们的愉快陪伴,然后道别走了。
English : He thanked them for the pleasure of their company and took his leave.

Chinese : 她高兴地发现自己具备一种能把其他客人逗笑的才能。
English : She discovered to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh

Chinese : 回顾此事,我会无比地开心。
English : I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure

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