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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขัดถู " คือ ...

Thai : ขัดถู (k̄hạd t̄hū)
Chinese : 磨砂 (móshā)

English : polish
     Simplified Chinese : 磨光,抛光,精加工
     Traditional Chinese : 磨光,拋光,精加工

Example :: polish

Chinese : 南非队今天上午以278分7人出局继续比赛,英格兰队应该很容易就能击败他们。
English : South Africa resume this morning on 278 for seven and England could well polish them off first thing.

Chinese : 他山之石,可以为错。
English : Stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one.--Advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings.

Chinese : 他从她的口音中听出了波兰腔。
English : He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice

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