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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปาวๆ " คือ ...

Thai : ปาวๆ (pāw«)
Chinese : 吵闹 (chǎonào)

English : repeatedly
     Simplified Chinese : [adv].反复地,重复地,屡次地,多次地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv].反復地,重復地,屢次地,多次地

Example :: repeatedly

Chinese : 我知道一个最近的病例,在这个病例中,有人多次扬言要自杀,但没有人会听,而这个人在绝望中,他自杀的企图最终成功了。
English : I know of a recent case in which someone repeatedly threatened suicide, no one would listen and the individual, in despair, succeeded in their suicide attempt.

Chinese : 注意约翰福音是如何反复地,将这些问题归结到基督论上的。
English : Notice how in the Gospel of John repeatedly these issues come down to Christology.

Chinese : 他在部队里多次立功。
English : He repeatedly distinguished himself in the troops.

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