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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สละตำแหน่ง " คือ ...

Thai : สละตำแหน่ง (s̄la tảh̄æǹng)
Chinese : 放弃职位 (fàngqì zhíwèi)

English : resign
     Simplified Chinese : (from) an office 辞职
     Traditional Chinese : (from) an office 辭職

Example :: resign

Chinese : 共和党和一些民主党议员都敦促他辞职。
English : Republicans and some fellow Democrats called on him to resign.

Chinese : 即使真的存在这种情况,也很难对其进行惩罚,因为某个人可能刚刚从一家公司的董事会辞职。
English : And even if it were, it would be difficult to penalize, because the person would likely just resign from one of the boards.

Chinese : 所有的最高法院大法官会一直工作到去世为止除非他们辞职,退休,或被国会罢免。
English : All Supreme Court justices serve on the Court for life unless they resign, retire, or are removed by Congress.

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