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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตงิดๆ " คือ ...

Thai : ตงิดๆ (tngid«)
Chinese : 碰壁 (pèngbì)

English : slightly
     Simplified Chinese : [adv].细长地,瘦小地;微小地,少量地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv].細長地,瘦小地;微小地,少量地

Example :: slightly

Chinese : 当她确实如此轻微的开始说话时【笑】,当她张嘴说话时,她只是想要预料,如果她说得更多那么她的演说将会有怎样的影响。
English : When she does unlock her lips ever so slightly -- when she does unlock her lips, she does so only to anticipate the effect that her speeches would have if she were to unlock them even more.

Chinese : 这种智能芯片比火柴头还稍小,而现今最好的植入物却仅仅是如火柴盒一样大小,这种芯片通过阻断传向大脑的疼痛信号来发挥作用。
English : Slightly smaller than the head of a match – the best implants today are only as small as a matchbox – the chip works by blocking pain signals on their way to the brain.

Chinese : 我曾和他稍有意见上的冲突。
English : I had slightly conflict of opinions with him.

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