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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แตกตัว " คือ ...

Thai : แตกตัว (tæk tạw)
Chinese : 分手 (fēnshǒu)

English : split
     Simplified Chinese : 分裂
     Traditional Chinese : 分裂

Example :: split

Chinese : 他们指责激进派和保守派都在试图挑起党内分歧。
English : They accused both radicals and conservatives of trying to provoke a split in the party.

Chinese : 他们闹翻了。
English : They quarrelled and split up.; They fell out.

Chinese : 我宁可掏钱请客,也不愿看到9位朋友算来算去分摊账单。
English : I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill

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