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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นมผา " คือ ...

Thai : นมผา (nmp̄hā)
Chinese : 石钟乳 (shí zhōng rǔ)

English : stalactite
     Simplified Chinese : 钟乳石
     Traditional Chinese : 鐘乳石

Example :: stalactite

Chinese : 洞内石笋、石柱、石琴、石幔、石花、石钟乳发育齐全,分布集中。
English : Stalagmite inside the cave, columns, Shi Qin, Shiman, stone flower, complete stalactite growth, focus on distribution.

Chinese : 径下有流霞岛,又名钟鼓洞,洞中一穴钟乳下垂若帐幔。
English : Below the path is Liu'Xia'Dao or Flying Cloud Islet. Known also as Drum and Bell Cave, it is filled with stalactite formations that hang down like curtains.

Chinese : 在洞的深处可看到异态纷呈的石钟乳、石柱、石花、石帘、石笋和听到阴河哗哗的流水声。
English : Can be seen in the deep hole anomaly scene of the stalactite, stone pillars and stone flowers, stone curtains, stalagmites, and hear the river rushing water sound cloudy.

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