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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ราชบัลลังก์ " คือ ...

Thai : ราชบัลลังก์ (rāch bạllạngk̒)
Chinese : 宝座 (bǎozuò)

English : throne
     Simplified Chinese : 王座
     Traditional Chinese : 王座

Example :: throne

Chinese : 孙悟空春风满面,高登宝座。
English : Sun Wukong, his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.

Chinese : 那一年他登上了王位。
English : That year he ascended the throne.

Chinese : 文帝初立,大赦天下。
English : When Emperor Wen first came to the throne, a general amnesty was proclaimed to the empire.

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