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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พ่วง " คือ ...

Thai : พ่วง (ph̀wng)
Chinese : 预告片 (yùgào piàn)

English : tow
     Simplified Chinese : 拖曳
     Traditional Chinese : 拖曳

Example :: tow

Chinese : 帆船拖动由水下翼状式叶片组成的二个水力发电机,叶片摆动是借助水流过的冲力。
English : The ships would tow hydropower generators consisting of two wing-like underwater blades that would be made to oscillate by the force of the water as they plough through it.

Chinese : 如果模拟系统能够直接连入海洋实时天气卫星数据库的话,未来的拖船驾驶员们将能够更安全地拖动冰山。
English : If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database for real-time ocean weather tracking, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.

Chinese : 滑翔机与拖行机分开。
English : The glider uncoupled from the tow plane.

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