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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หาวนอน " คือ ...

Thai : หาวนอน (h̄āwnxn)
Chinese : 盱 (xū)

English : yawn
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]. 打呵欠;张开口;裂开[n].呵欠;裂口
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]. 打呵欠;張開口;裂開[n].呵欠;裂口

Example :: yawn

Chinese : 了,除了伸懒腰什么都做不了了。
English : They were all so tired that they could donothing but yawn.

Chinese : 这场辩论实在可笑。简直是无聊透顶。
English : The debate was a mockery. A big yawn

Chinese : 她打了个哈欠便睡着了。
English : She gave a yawn and then fell asleep.

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